I’m sharing my story because, during my healing process, I learned some lessons which allowed me to live again. I learned that the power to overcome trauma rests deep within us. That I can will myself to achieve what I was conditioned to think is impossible. To really heal, you have to face the injury, fear, anxiety, and depression head on and choose to live a healthier lifestyle and create a body you are proud of.
When the mind, body, and soul are in tune with each other and share a common language, nothing is neglected and all are operating at optimal function.
One day, when I was laying in bed, immobile and pumped with meds, I realized something. When I left my village all those years ago, all I did was shed one restrictive lifestyle for another: I replaced religion with fitness, daily prayers with daily running groups, and dietary laws with strict nutritional habits. Those replacements helped me cope with anxiety and stress, but didn’t rid me of them.